Hailee Steinfeld reveals the heartwarming story behind adopting her first dog with Josh Allen: ‘A perfect, tiny baby’

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Buffalo Bills star Josh Allen’s fiancée, Hailee Steinfeld, has two dogs, Martini and Brando. Growing up in a “big-dog household,” Steinfeld always wanted to parent her own pet dogs. However, due to her busy life as a Hollywood actor, she didn’t get the chance to adopt pets until five years ago, when she decided to bring her first dog home.

In 2020, Hailee Steinfeld brought home her pet dog Martini. However, there’s an interesting backstory behind how she adopted Martini. In the 28th edition of her “Beau Society” newsletter, released on Wednesday, Steinfeld opened up about bringing home her first dog.

“The story starts five years ago,” she said. “I was living in New York City, wrapping up the second season of ‘Dickinson.’ I was spending a lot of time alone in my tiny apartment, and I thought, it’s time for a dog.”
Josh Allen's gf Hailee Steinfeld gives twin purse dog next-level makeover

However, while Steinfeld decided to adopt a dog, she wanted to have a pet that could easily be accommodated in her tiny apartment. That’s when she met Martini, the “perfect tiny baby,” whom she instantly knew was the one her heart craved for.

Steinfeld talked about the reason why she named her dog Martini:

“In film terms, ‘Martini’ means the last shot of the day; when the director yells ‘Martini’, everyone starts packin’ up. Martini was the puppy I found right at the last second before calling the whole thing off. And obviously, she’s a four-pound thing, so it fit.”
Hailee Steinfeld, Josh Allen Spotted at Buffalo Pet Adoption Event | Us  Weekly

Despite being one of the most successful celebrity couples, Josh Allen and Hailee Steinfeld don’t enjoy the idea of a lavish wedding. If anything, the couple has decided to exchange their vows in a rather “intimate” wedding ceremony.

Earlier this month, US Weekly released a report in which an insider, close to the couple, shared some interesting details about their wedding. The insider said that Allen and Steinfeld “don’t want a long engagement” and that’s why the wedding planning has already started a long time ago.

Josh Allen, Hailee Steinfeld At Popular Spot In Buffalo, New York

“Hailee is very excited about the planning process and now that Josh is done with the season, she hopes they can have more time to make decisions together,” the source said. “They only have a few timeframes they can have the wedding, so they are nailing down the logistics and are location scouting right now. It will be a very intimate but extravagant event.”

If everything goes as planned, there’s a good chance that Josh Allen and Hailee Steinfeld might end up getting married before the 2025 NFL season. The offseason is the only time when there’s no work pressure on Allen. Thus, he wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity.

Josh Allen and girlfriend Hailee Steinfeld expand family, win fans' hearts

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